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Preparatory Meeting Meteor Exercise in the Ministry of Communications

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Reunión preparatoria Ejercicio Meteoro en el Ministerio de Comunicaciones
Institutional Communication Office of the Ministry of Communications

With the presence of the main cadres and directors of the Ministry of Communications and business organizations and other entities in this sector, in the morning of this Wednesday, Luis A Turcios Lima Hall of the Ministry, the preparatory meeting of this organism for the Exercise Meteor 2019.

In the activity it was reported that this year the Meteor Exercise will take place throughout the country on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, and the leadership and command bodies participate at all levels of the national defense system, and all the forces and means that ensure compliance with the plans against hurricanes and other natural disasters.

The general idea for the organization and realization of the Meteor Exercise 2019 in the Communications Assurance Organ of the National Defense Council was also explained.
In addition, the missions and tasks of the country's communications system were pointed out, in order to respond to and solve the damages caused by tropical cyclones, hurricanes and other extreme hydrometeorological events that affect the island.

On this occasion, during Meteoro 2019, the study and analysis of the tornado experiences that last January affected several municipalities of Havana will be carried out; as well as contingency plans will be revised and perfected to ensure the vitality of mobile telephony before this type of events, characteristic of the cyclonic season that extends from June 1 to November 30, in a Cuban scenario where data traffic today exceeds voice traffic seven times within the country's communications system.

On this preparation day for the Meteor Exercise 2019, Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Minister of Communications (from Granma) participated; Wilfredo González Vidal, first vice minister; Colonel Luis Angel Macareño Veliz, second chief of the National General Staff of Civil Defense; as well as the main executives and directors, through the videoconference system, of the Territorial Control Offices of MINCOM; of the Business Groups of Computing and Communications, and of the Post Office of Cuba, of the Telecommunications Company ETECSA; Young Club and Computing; Radio Cuba and other entities in the communications sector.

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